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newJump Jet Booster 1.41 is released! 1/10/2020
projectTrampoline Man is returning, with 3D portrait design
projectSpace Defence is on the desk again , this time single handed dogfight is on the way.


Not all heros wear capes..


TrampolineMan is the signature project of Engineered Illusions. Although it has never been released for public, it has been played by hundreds of beta testers. As TrampolineMan is choosed as the hero of our company, expectation on this project is so high for sure.

Story of TrampolineMan is still being worked on, but the basic skeleton seems obvious. TrampolineMan , is a young man that beleives he has a special power, which is not totally wrong, and decides to use his powers for common good. But the power comes with great responsibility.So he starts from the base to learn using his super powers properly.His first challange will be the environment

The game was designed as a casual mobile game. Player will progres through uniquely designed levels collecting ingame points to use them in the shop. Level progress was designed as independent stages. First stage would be released totally free to play. And we planned to add free to play stages in time. There would also be premium stages which would be purchased with microtransacrions.

Talking about the game dynamics, we should mention that the first design was landscape. Using the accelerometer, player adjusts the angle of the trampoline, and moves it horizontally with screen touch to prevent Trampolineman hit to ground. The objective is to hoop Trampolineman from left to right to the end of the stage avoiding environmental obstacles. And pick up as much collectable as possible. There is still alot to explain about the game but it seems not necessary for the moment, because it is all about to change.

TrampolineMan is being re-designed from the sketch! Engineered Illusions SLU decided that the success of TrampolineMan can not be left to chance. A landscape casual game design with current mechanic is not prefered by a high percentage of mobile gamers. It was not acceptable to target a smaller part of the market. So it is replanned as a portrait hypercasual game to be able to peneterate a larger piece of the market to make more gamers to know him. But there is more. It is being designed in 3D! The idea for the first game seems like 2.5D actually, but atleast the bonus levels are being considered to be 3D. But the main thing is , everything will be designed in 3D which means the saga will start in 3D!

Current beta tests are finalized! Engineered Illusions is grateful to every and each beta tester, and as promissed every beta tester, without a requirement of feedback or participation of new beta tests will be rewarded with full access to every premium content in the new version. They also do not need to apply beta tests for the new version, they will all be invited for alpha test team as soon as the new alpha is released

Please apply for new beta team by sending us an e-mail to : New comers also will be rewarded with premium access on release.