Anti-Covid19: Virus Cleaner
Anti-Covid19 is a drag and shoot mechanic hypercasual game inspired from a street cleaning truck invented by townhall Mamak/Ankara . Objective is to wash away all the viruses before they cover the city with dirt and filth. As the viruses drop down, a variation of collectables drops too. These collectables will be used to mix with the water in the tank to make it more effective. You can also pickup some sanitizer bombs for urgencies , to clean the screen off the dirt and some of the viruses at once. Although it is a fun and goofy game , it has been rejected by Google Play several times as "Covid-19" victims and their families may feel unhappy about it. So the project has been taken to hold until it is revised with new graphics and name.
This version of the game will probably never be released but you can still download and try from here : SLX1.02.3.apk